How To

Text Spacing 0

Change the text spacing in Word 2019

If you need text to be better readable in a Microsoft Word 2019 document, one of the options you have is to change the text spacing. Text spacing defines the inter-character spacing for letters...


Insert a scalable vector graphics (SVG) in Word 2019

The advantage of a scalable vector graphics over bitmap images (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc.), is that they can be resized and still look sharp. An added advantage is that they require less storage space....

Internet Explorer 9 1

Optimize Internet Explorer 9

Not happy with how IE9 looks? Or maybe the performance should be better? Check out TweakIE9, which gives you control over many of the settings for Internet Explorer 9, even if they are not available through the Internet Options menu. Optimize IE9 the way you like it!

YouTube Video 0

How to Add YouTube Video to PowerPoint

PowerPoint presentations are a great way to get your message across, from simple instructions to elaborate presentations or training courses. Using text, animations and graphics has always been possible, but it is even possible to use YouTube videos in your presentation if you found a great online video that fits your subject. Here is how to do it.