PC Errors

USB Devices Cause Shutdown or Standby Problem 0

USB Devices Cause Shutdown or Standby Problem

When you shut down your PC and it seems to hang while shutting down, the problem can be related to USB devices that are connected to your computer. This can happen while shutting down or when activating the standby mode. You can tell Windows XP to take control of the USB device and power it down.

Problems Playing Videos with Windows Media Player 0

Problems Playing Videos with Windows Media Player

Playing multimedia on a computer has become so common during daily PC use, that we are not always prepared for problems. There are so many different multimedia players and so many different multimedia formats, that error causes can be almost anything. But if you are using the Windows Media Player, there is one common cause of problmes that can be easily fixed.

ActiveX 0

About ActiveX Errors

ActiveX is a technology that allows the functionality of web browsers to be extended. It is most commonly used for the Microsoft Internet Explorer as not all other browsers support the technology. Considering the potential and risks of the technology that might be a good thing. But since IE is so commonly used for browsing the internet, knowing what ActiveX is and how to deal with errors can come in handy.

Runtime Error 216: The Silent Danger 0

Runtime Error 216: The Silent Danger

Technical article discussing the severity of runtime error 216 as most instances of this error is caused by a trojan program called SubSeven. This article also provides step-by-step remedial efforts in case your computer has this runtime error.

Fix Installation Problems 0

Fix Installation Problems

Failing installations in Windows can be a real problem. Additional applications are required to make full use of your PC, so if they do not install this is frustrating. One common cause for installers to fail however, is the access rights used for the installation. Using the Group Policy Editor, we can change the installation rights to prevent these installation errors.