
Windows Disk Cleanup 0

How To Run Windows Disk Cleanup

Freeing up space on a disk drive is sometimes necessary. In Microsoft Windows, this is done through the Disk Cleanup program. Learn how to start the Disk Cleanup in Windows and what options to...

Windows 10 Download Speed 0

Optimize download speed in Windows 10

The Internet connection is used more and more with each new Windows version. As a result the download speed in Windows 10 can be lower than you would expect. If you have a fast...

Windows 11 2

Windows 11 – A First Glance

Windows 11 is Microsoft’s upcoming new version of their Windows operating system. Although it is not officially out yet, previews are available, so we took a look to give you an idea of what...

Multitaksing Display 0

How to use multiple virtual desktops in Windows 10

Multiple virtual desktops in Windows 10 are a great way to work with multiple screen setups. Whether you want more screen space, want to easily switch between home and work mode, or need a...