How to Enter Numbers with a Fixed Number of Decimal Places or Trailing Zeros in MS Excel XP by Jules · Published August 21, 2007 · Updated March 31, 2009 Click the Tools menu and then select Options.Click the Edit tab. Check Fixed decimal option.Use the arrows of the Places field to enter a positive number of digits to the right of the decimal point or a negative number for digits to the left of the decimal point. Note: Data entered before selecting these options is not affected. Click the OK button. Share
1 How To Create A Macro By Using Visual Basic For Applications In MS Word XP July 24, 2007 by Jules by Jules · Published July 24, 2007 · Last modified March 31, 2009
0 Receiving Error Message: Cannot Insert Object When Using MS Excel XP March 9, 2008 by Jules by Jules · Published March 9, 2008 · Last modified March 31, 2009
0 How to Add a Bookmark in MS Word XP July 9, 2007 by Jules by Jules · Published July 9, 2007 · Last modified March 31, 2009
@Fritz Liessling - Thank you for your feedback. I understand that you are looking for other resolutions, but within Windows…
Although the answer to this question is correct, it is really a cop-out answer. It's easy enough to find answers…
Thank you. It works.
@Fritz Liessling - Thank you for your feedback. I understand that you are looking for other resolutions, but within Windows…
Although the answer to this question is correct, it is really a cop-out answer. It's easy enough to find answers…
To the administrator, You always provide useful links and resources.
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