How to Deal with DirectX Problems
Although DirectX has been around for some time, there are still quite often problems with DirectX that are related to versions and DirectX files. Microsoft has actually updated some of the files of the latest DirectX version for Windows XP, which is DirectX 9.0c. As a result you can not always be sure that the correct DirectX version will ensure that you do not have problems. Typically a lot of PC games make use of DirectX, so they are the applications showing DirectX errors.
Runtime errors often relate to DirectX DLL files, like the d3dx9_25.dll, d3dx9_26.dll, or d3dx9_27.dll, while DirectX update problems often cause “internal system errors” or “missing file” errors.
Here are a few tips on how to deal with DirectX errors and problems:
- Update your hardware device drivers first to ensure compatibility with the latest DirectX version. Be aware that if you install unsigned (not verified by Microsoft) drivers, you can still experience runtime problems when running the application.
- Scan your PC for viruses, they can cause internal system errors when updating DirectX.
- Clean & fix the Windows registry, sometimes registry problems cause “file not found” problems in the dxupdate module.
- DirectX has no uninstall option, so use Windows XP system restore function to rollback the failed update before trying again. If you have System Restore disabled, turn it on before starting any update.
- Use dxdiag to diagnose DirectX problems and check the DirectX version. Simply type “dxdiag.exe” in the Run box at the Start menu.
- Check if the software that gives you problems includes a DirectX installer on the CD/DVD. Many games include a DirectX redistributable version that is installed automatically when the game is installed. There are cases where that version is required and there are cases where that DirectX version is actually causing the problems. So try the DirectX version that came with the application as well as the latest DirectX version from the Microsoft download.

Using these tips you can fix many DirectX errors and DirectX update problems. Worst case scenario you need to reinstall Windows XP, but that should really be a last resort.
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saying same plz install latest directx runtime
its not working…………i also used directx9 and v10 but no
@VISHAL – Caps Lock stuck?
The latest DirectX is version 11, not 10, so you might still need to upgrade your DirectX version. Just download the webinstaller from the Microsoft site and try it.
But I think the DirectX requirement for realms of ancient war is DirectX 9, not higher. So it is also possible that you simply need to reinstall DirectX.
If that still does not help, try reinstalling or updating your sound and video drivers.
@Adam – Could be a compatibility issue with the DirectX version and the game, so make sure the game does not require a different DirectX version than you have installed.
Another option is that the video driver is problematic, so reinstalling the video card driver is also something I’d try.
In any case, check the details with the “dxdiag” command.
I play sudden attack game . But when I entered the game it said “Error occured while initializing the Direct X or the videos card is not installed.” How to deal with this thing ? Please help me.
@kiel – If you downloaded the DirectX installer and ran the downloaded file, DirectX should be installed.
The availability of the acceleration options depend on the support for it in the hardware. So either your hardware (graphics card and audio card) don’t support it, or the drivers for those devices don’t offer support. So try to update the drivers.
@Kenzie – The issue you seem to have is with the jack-sensing technology in the audio jacks. That is normally linked to the audio driver software, so try reinstalling your audio driver. Realtek for example has an option in their control panel that lets the user chose if they want to use the internal, external or both speakers when something is plugged into the audio output jacks.
Hey, so I just purchased Civilization 5 and i downloaded DirectX. now my speakers wont work when i plug it all the way in and actually quiets the speakers of my laptop as well.. (if i put it half in and half out it does both speakers and the speakers in my laptop). however, when i use headphones and plug it all the way in it again does both.
Please if you could give me some helpful information it would be appreciated.
Ps. i have an HP laptop if thats of any help.
** sorry for the double comment- i didnt click the “notify me of followup comments via e-mail”.
Hey, so I just purchased Civilization 5 and i downloaded DirectX. now my speakers wont work when i plug it all the way in and actually quiets the speakers of my laptop as well.. (if i put it half in and half out it does both speakers and the speakers in my laptop). however, when i use headphones and plug it all the way in it again does both.
Please if you could give me some helpful information it would be appreciated.
Ps. i have an HP laptop if thats of any help.
The directdraw acceleration, direct3d acceleration & agp texture acceleration is not available. how can i get it?
it doesn’t work. before i reformat my pc i found directx in the program files but now i cannot see it.
@kiel – directx 9.0c is the latest version of directx that is available for windows xp, so the requirements for your game (directx 8.1) should already be met.
So you cannot update, but you can try reinstalling directx 9.0c to see if that helps. Just use the link in my previous comment.
If that does not help, and you are sure that the game is installed properly, the only option is that the audio or video drivers need to be updated. DirectX uses both DirectSound and DirectDraw/Direct3D for playing audio and graphics rendering.
I’m running windows xp and i have directx 9.0c. How can i update? im sorry im just 12 yrs old.
@kiel – After you reformat, make sure you install all the Windows updates again to make sure no patches are missing.
If after that the error is still there, try manually installing a driver update for your video card and if required install DirectX again. The version depends on which Windows version you are running.
For XP you can download the DirectX 9.0c runtime installer.
I reformat my computer and after that i install generals and generals zero hour but i got a problem it says ”Please make sure you have DirectX 8.1 or higher installed. Also verify that your video card meets the minimum requirements”. But i dont have a problem like this before i reformat my computer. Pls help me.
@leune – First thing to try (in case you have not done it already), is to reinstall the video drivers. Nvidia have actually just released a new version (295.73) after it had been in beta for a month, so you can try that version.