
TiVo Debuts For PC 0

TiVo Debuts For PC

Thanks to a company called Nero AG, TiVo will now be available to PC users. The product, LiquidTV|TiVo PC, brings TiVo capability to the PC without the set-top box. According to PC Magazine, Nero AG...

Google Offers $10 Mil For A Good Idea 1

Google Offers $10 Mil For A Good Idea

Google just recently came out with an announcement today that states a new program that will pay someone ten million dollars for the best idea that will “change the world by helping as many...

Intel Launches New Chip: Cheap! 0

Intel Launches New Chip: Cheap!

While the world was buzzing with yesterday’s news that Google has officially entered the internet web browser arena and poises to take Microsoft’s IE 8 away from the spotlight, Intel quietly launched a cheaper...

Another Blow to Windows Vista 1

Another Blow to Windows Vista

Rumors having been swirling the net that PC makers such as HP and Dell have been selling their PCs with Microsoft Windows Vista but then allowing users to downgrade “outlawed” copies of Windows XP....