
Disk Compression 9

Disable Windows XP Disk Compression

With disk sizes increasing and prices coming down, hard disk space is becoming less and less an issue. Using compression to get more storage capacity on the same physical disk space is not required anymore. A second reason to disable compression in Windows is that it affects your PC’s performance.

Disable Windows Media Player Updates 0

Disable Windows Media Player Updates

Many Windows applications check for updates through the internet connection. If you want to do this manually, you can change the configuration in many applications. Windows Media Player does not have this configuration option, but with a Windows Registry tweak you can still disable the automatic updates in Windows Media Player.

Speed Up the Windows XP New Menu 0

Speed Up the Windows XP New Menu

There are a lot of performance tweaks in Microsoft Windows XP, many relating to the graphical aspects of Windows XP. The New menu in the Windows Explorer is one area of the graphical use interface that can get slow if you have a lot of applications installed. Reducing the number of templates used in the New menu can help.

Disable FAT16 data structures when using NTFS 0

Disable FAT16 data structures when using NTFS

Hard disks are one of the major computer components that influence PC performance. Disks have become larger and faster in time, but the disk utilization is also important for PC performance. In Windows you can use the NTFS file system for large disks, but this still leaves room for some performance tweak.

Changing Windows XP Process Priority 0

Changing Windows XP Process Priority

Running many programs at the same time on a PC is one of the benefits of modern computing. This does mean that each single program needs to share CPU time with all the other programs. If you need a program to get more processing power, you can change the process priority.